Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Menghapus Perfect Keylogger

Keylogger itu semacam software yang bsa ngerekam semua yang kamu ketikk,,, nah dengan keylogger ini sesseorang bsa hack Char Kamu atau Mencuri data2 lain,, (Biasanya ada dari Trainer/cheat)
Saya Akan Kasih tau cara menghilangkannya ::
1. Buka Task Manager (ctrl+alt+tab)
2. Matikan Prosess "bpk.exe"
3. truz pergi ke C:\windows\system32
4. delete Semua Yang ada d Gambar dbwah ini..

dan bpk.DAT 
5. lalu Pergi juga ke C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch
Delete: BPK.EXE-06BA93D1.pf

C:\ "Delete Semua file yang berekstensi .sqm" (di Hidden Files)

6. Lalu Masuk ke Regedit (run-lalu ketikan regedit)


@="BPK IE Plugin Type Library"






Delete Semua Key2nya,,

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Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Smadav Rev 8.2 PRO Cracked

Caranya mudah,, cukup Download Smadav Dsini lalu extract dan klik file "SMΔRTP.exe", maka anda sudah mempunyai ANTIVIRUS SmadAv 2010 Rev 8.2 PRO.

Kalau anda sudah terlanjur menginstall SmadAv 2010 Rev 8.2 FREE VERSION, atau SmadAv 2010 Rev 8.1 PRO anda yang lama sudah update otomatis lalu kemudian menjadi SmadAv 2010 Rev 8.2 FREE VERSION, Ikuti langkah berikut :

1. Download PATCH-nya disini
2. Extract dengan WinRAr
3. Jadikan satu folder dengan folder installan SmadAv 2010 Rev 8.2 FREE VERSION anda, (secara default ada di C:\Program Files\Smadav)
4. Lalu klik deh file "SmadPatch.exe", lalu klik jadikan PRO,,,

Selamat menikmati, semoga bermanfaat.

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Senin, 05 Juli 2010

Cheat Engine 5.6.1

Bingung Nyari Engine PB?? Neh Cheat Engine 5.6.1 lom ke detect ma HS PB... jadi buru klo mao cheat,,, Hehehhe... dengan catatan kalian harus udah bisa minimize,,, ^^
- Fixed bug where ce would crash(close) on XP systems on certain type of games when opening a process
- Fixed the error at "Same as first scan" when using the float type
- Pointer rescan for value now accepts more than 8 characters
- Fixed pointerscan for value not supporting more than 1 thread
- Fixed showing the fpu in the kernelmode debugger
- Fixed Decreased/Increased by %
- Dissect Data now detects non-exact floating point values again
- Disabled executing the aobscan when assigning a script to the table
- Some disassembler fixes
- Again some more DPI fixes
- The byte-editor in the hexeditor window is now properly aligned at the proper height
- The XMM registers are now shown for kernelmode debugging as well
- Implemented the stop button for kernelmode "Find what addresses this code accesses"
- Fixed error message when pressing enter and no address is selected in the addresslist
- Fixed samememory regions so the last byte is now included as well
- Fixed the simple-copy/paste option in settings (it now has effect)
- Fixed bug where pressing alt made a lot of controls invisible in vista and later
- Fixed the pointerscan bug that caused out of memory problems for the scan (Was already secretly fixed and released for 5.6 one week after the official release, but still mentioning it)

- Rightclicking on registers(multiple locations) saves them to the clipboard
- The values of dissect data can now be saved to disk
- Auto Assembler script entries have a small script text you can click for easier script editing
- The commonmodulelist.txt has been updated with some extra dll's that have nothing to do with the game (thanks to psych)
- AutoAssembler: You can't move the cursor beyond the end of a line anymore
- Pointerscan: Pointerscanner now tells you that pressing stop is a stupid thing to do
- Pointerscan: doubleclicking an pointer with invalid base now adds it anyhow. (In case the base becomes valid again later)
- Several extra window positions are now saved when the option to save the position is enabled (included pointerscan and autoassembler)
- CE now notifies you if it thinks there's not enough dispace left
- Default pointer option is now set back to insert instead of append
- Added a "Same as first scan" hotkey option
- When opening a new process and chosing to disable everything now also disables entries in advanced options

NB :: Denger2 Cheat Engine ini bsa bwat PB loh... Heheheh,,,

Download Cheat Engine

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Minggu, 04 Juli 2010

Game Booster v1.5

Game Booster merupakan SOftware yang membantu kita untuk mempercepat saat kita maen game... Hueheheh,,, Saya juga sering pake neh software,,, mungkin dah banyak yang punya nih software,, cman ya brangkali ada yang belum punya,,, Hueheheh,,

Keterangan ::

1 Click

Game Booster is extremely easy to use. Its intuitive interface makes Game Booster the perfect tool for complete computer beginner.
Speeds up Game Play

Game Booster gives more CPU and RAM to your games, making your games running at the peak performance.
Defragments Game Files

Game Booster can quickly defragment game directories and files, to make your games load and run faster than ever.
Increases Gaming Stability

Game Booster prevents and avoids possible conflicts and incompatibility, by temporarily closing background processes and unnecessary Windows services.
Safe, Secure, and Free

Game Booster does not overclock your hardware, does not change your Windows Registry and system settings. Game Booster is 100% freeware, without any virus, adware, and spyware.

Download Game Booster

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